0.6kW ÷ 6kW

Rated for repetitive duty Low inductance element

Based on RHP Coils, spiral wire-wound on ceramic formers with high overload capacity and cool rapidly.

Degree of protection IP20. Enclosure in galvanized steel.

Dynamic braking,

Motor control,

Variable speed drives,

Lifts & elevators

 Industrial Automation

Thermal switch


Each resistor is labelled with this information:

  • Name of the product and part number
  • Ohmic value and tolerance
  • Rated power UL and CE
  • Batch of production in the format WW/YY
  • UL file nr.


The resistor is packed in a way to preserve incidental damages due to transport.


Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this datasheet is accurate. Fairfild is not responsible for printing or clerical errors. All properties and characteristics mentioned in this datasheet are only for informational purposes. The information in this datasheet is offered solely for your consideration and should not be taken as a warranty or representation for which we assume legal responsibility. The customer bears all responsibility for use and application of Fairfild products. There is no responsibility of the manufacturer for any damage to persons and properties in case of improper use. Fairfild reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.


This datasheet is subject to copyright. Fairfild reserves all rights of translation in any language, reprinting, re-use of illustrations.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, without the written permission of the copyrighted owner Fairfild, Italy. Violations may be subject to legal proceedings involving monetary damages as well as compensation for costs and legal fees under Italian copyright law and regulation within the European Union.

Ordering information

RME/T XXX WWW RRRR 10% T : External thermal switch 160±5°C (rated voltage: 250 V; rated current: 16 A – UL rating 10 A ) – this is an option, it can be blank

XXX Model 01S, 01M, 01L, 02M, 02L, 03L, 04L

WWW Wattage (UL rating)

RRRR Resistance value (nominal at 20°C)

RME/T 04L 3kW 15R 10%
RME is the name of the product
T means the clixon is provided with the resistor
04L is the model
3000 W is the wattage (UL continuous power)
15R means 15 Ω that is the nominal ohmic value at 20°C
10% is the tolerance on the ohmic value, in this case the value of the resistor is accepted when is within 13.5 Ω ÷ 16.5 Ω
RME is built according to E12 series