In addition to the Privacy Policy of our Site, this Cookie Policy is intended to inform Users about the collection, through the cookies used or allowed to be installed, of the information they provide when they visit this Site.

A. What are Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are sent to the browser of the user (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) who visits the Site for the first time and stored on his device to be then re-transmitted to the Site in occasion of subsequent accesses by the same User.

B.Why are cookies used?

Cookies are used for various purposes, such as the execution and facilitation of computer authentication, session monitoring, storage of information on specific configurations regarding Users who access the server, storage of preferences (for example, relating to the use of same cookies and / or display settings), etc., making it easier to navigate and the Site more responsive to Users’ requests.

C. What are the types of cookies?

With reference to the purposes, cookies can be divided into:

Technical cookies:

used for the sole purpose of transmitting a communication over an electronic communications network or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service, explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, to provide this service. Technical cookies can be distinguished on the basis of the different period of time for which a cookie operates, i.e. their life cycle:

  • session cookies: typically last until the user closes his internet browser. Basically, when the User ends his browser session, the cookie expires;
  • persistent cookies: they are constant and continue to operate even after the User has closed their browser. These allow quicker and easier access to the site during future access by the user (by storing, for example, the automatic access credentials to the site if the user chooses to “remember” them).

Technical cookies can also be distinguished according to their function:

  • navigation cookies, navigation cookies, which allow the site to function properly, allowing normal navigation and the provision of services requested by the User (such as, for example, making a purchase or authentication for access to restricted areas). Without the use of this type of cookie, some operations would be less secure or more complex and, in some cases, could not be carried out. These cookies are not stored permanently on the User’s device and are deleted when the browser is closed;
  • functional cookies, which allow the site, based on the User’s instructions, to memorize some of the information of the navigation carried out by the same – remembering the user’s choices and automating some procedures (such as login) or customizing access and navigation of the site (e.g. User’s language) – in order to be reused in subsequent navigations, improving the service offered and the quality of navigation;;
  • analytical cookies(assimilated to technical cookies only if used directly by the site manager in order to optimize the functionality of the site by collecting the data of the users who use it), which allow information to be collected in aggregate – and therefore anonymous – form. in order to conduct internal statistical analysis of the methods of navigation of the site (for example on the number of users who visit the site, on their geographical origin, on the quality and quantity of the pages visited)..

The prior consent of the Users is not required for the installation of these cookies.

Profiling cookies::

used to track Users’ browsing habits with the aim of creating profiles of their tastes, habits, choices made or other information. The purpose is to send the profiled User advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same in online browsing.

In consideration of the particular invasiveness they may have, the valid consent of the Users is required.

Cookies (technical and profiling) can be distinguished on the basis of “origin” in:

  • “first party” cookies if set by the operator of the site the user is visiting;
  • “third-party”cookies if set by the managers of websites other than the one the user is visiting; this happens for example when on the website that the user is visiting there are elements such as images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains that reside on servers other than the one on which the requested page is located. The use of data collected by these external operators through cookies is subject to their respective privacy policies.


Strictly necessary or functional and session technical cookies:

As a rule, they are active by default when the User’s browser is set to that effect. The User can configure the browser to block or detect / check the presence of these cookies (see par. E) but their deactivation could affect the proper functioning of the Site and the services offered. These cookies can be defined by us or by third parties whose services have been added to the pages of the Site. In fact, there are cookies required by the WordPress technical platform – on which the Site “runs” – to perform basic functions for the optimization of navigation and therefore to allow access to those who administer the Site. For more information on WordPress cookies and the data collected, see:
WordPress Cookies;
Privacy Policy

Nome cookie Descrizione cookie Durata cookie
PHPSESSID Used to establish a user session. Of Session. It ends when the browser is closed.
WordPress Used to store authentication details in the site administration console area. The administrative console is available only when you log in to an administrator account. Of Session. It ends when the browser is closed.
WordPress_logged_in It is used to indicate when a user has logged in and who he is. Of Session. It ends when the browser is closed.
Wp-settings-1 It is used to indicate when a user has logged in and who he is. 1 year
WordPress_test_cookie Used to check if cookies are enabled on the browser to provide Users with an appropriate browsing experience. This cookie is used on the site interface, even if not if the user is not logged in. 1 year
Cookie_notice_accepted It facilitates the User’s navigation, preventing the short information on cookies in the banner from reappearing in the case of links to the site made within the deadline. It is activated by clicking on the banner. 1 year

Analytical cookies … but technical!

Fairfild makes use of “Google Analytics”, a web traffic analysis service of the Site useful for monitoring its correct functioning, carrying out activities to support its security and taking any action to improve the services provided. The use of Google Analytics involves the use of cookies through which the Google company will obtain information in a totally anonymous manner such as, by way of example: IP address assigned to the device in use; browser used for browsing the portal; geographical area, preferred language, date and time of access to a certain section of the website; information relating to the website of origin or the landing web page. The information obtained in relation to the use of the internet portal will be processed by Google in compliance with the information made available by the company on: e

It is specified that the service described here is used by Fairfild adopting every useful measure to reduce the identifying power of the cookies whose use is involved through: the anonymization of the IP addresses associated with the devices connected to the web portal (IP anonymization); avoiding the intersection of collected data with other information. Therefore, the Google Analytics tracking cookies must be considered as technical cookies for the use of which the User’s consent is not required. In any case, each User can selectively disable the action of Google Analytics by installing the opt-out component provided by Google on their browser (accessible from the link:

Third-party profiling cookies:

They will be activated only with the consent of the User expressly expressed through the appropriate button on the banner.

Nome cookie Descrizione cookie Durata cookie
Facebook Pixel It is a statistical data collection tool that allows you to measure the effectiveness of advertising carried out on the social network, starting from an analysis of the actions that users perform on the site in order to create more effective and targeted advertisements, in line with preferences. manifested by the user in the context of surfing the net. 10 years
Google Conversion Tracking Conversion tracking is a free tool that shows what happens after a user has interacted with ads, for example if they have purchased a product, registered for the newsletter or called the business. 10 years
Linkedin Insight Tag It is a javascript tag that allows the monitoring of conversions and demographics of site users for Linkedin advertising campaigns. 10 years

Any cookies for interaction with social networks, the integration of services and the display of content from platforms:

The site also incorporates social buttons / widgets, ie “buttons” depicting the icons of social networks (LinkedIn), and other functions or links that allow users who are browsing to interact with a “click” directly with the social pages of Fairfild or with the other platforms indicated directly from the pages of the site and to take advantage of the related functions and contents. The management of any information collected by “third parties” through these tools is governed by the relevant information to which you are kindly requested to refer (which can be viewed at the links indicated, for convenience, in the following table). It is possible that, even if users do not use the interaction service with social networks provided on the site, the service still collects traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed.

Name Description Collected Data Place of processing and Policy Link
Linkedin social button and widget (LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, LinkedIn Corporation) The LinkedIn button and social widgets are interaction services with the Linkedin social network, provided by LinkedIn Corporation and used mainly for viewing recent social posts. Cookies and usage data

Ireland, USA

For more information on the treatment: Privacy Policy

E. How can the user manage and disable cookies?

Disabilitare i cookie mediante configurazione del browser

Disable cookies by configuring the browser
You can manage the settings on the installation of the various cookies on your browser by following the instructions provided by the major manufacturers, such as: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple safari, Opera.

If you are using a web browser not listed above, please refer to the documentation or online guide of your browser for more information.

Disable the cookies of specific third party services

In particular, for cookies related to some specific third party services, it is possible to follow the instructions contained at the following links:

There are also online tools such asBrowser Check di Digital Advertising Alliance e Your Online Choices di European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance that allow you to choose how to use cookies on the web based on the device and browser the user is using.

Each time you connect to the Internet, new cookies are downloaded, so the deletion operation should be performed periodically. Some of the browsers called up offer automated systems for the periodic deletion of cookies.

Browsing without cookies through anonymous browsing

In addition, there are other solutions for browsing without cookies, including “anonymous browsing”. Using this function, the user can browse without leaving a trace of the browsing data in the browser; as a result, the Site will not remember the user, the pages that this last visit will not be stored in the history and the new cookies will be deleted. The anonymous browsing function does not, however, guarantee anonymity on the Internet, because it only serves not to keep browsing data in the browser, while the browsing data will continue to remain available to website managers and connectivity providers.


For any questions, comments or concerns regarding this Cookie Policy (o alla Privacy Policy) of the Site, contact Fairfild at the following address: